AZLEOS Project Blue Back to School Shop with a Cop

Project Blue Back to School has been designed to unite Arizona Police Officers and law enforcement with local disadvantaged school children to enable them to put their best foot forward when starting the new school year. We will be working with local cities in the valley and our hope is each year to add at least one new community to our program.

Last year’s event was August 5, 2015 at Scottsdale Stadium.

It is a great time for law enforcement and kids to interact and break down the barriers that often exist. The goal is to not only financially help these children but to let them know they have someone to turn too when faced with a potential crisis (drugs, gangs, weapons, bullying etc.)

Children will be screened through the local community centers, school districts, and human services for financial need. Children selected will be from Title One Schools.

We are working directly with the Maricopa Community College Police Department to spread this program throughout valley locations. Their police officers will be attending and providing the opportunity to have kids and parents meet them and ask them any questions they want to help create positive interactions. This is true community policing.

We are also working with the Lions Clubs to provide Vision Screening and Rio Salado Community College for dental information, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Rio Salado will also have follow up visits if necessary for the kids in their dental clinic.

In the future we hope to add hearing screening as well for our communities.

Thank you to Right Toyota and Right Honda for once again sponsoring this wonderful community program for our kids.


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lions-logo maricopa-logo Shoulder Patch MCC PD